About us

Muzikantenhuis VZW is an intercultural meeting hub. We welcome everyone and wish to create solidarity and bonds through music, words and images. We often organise performances of artists worldwide but we invite you too to join our jams with your instrument, follow our workshops or just hang out and have a drink.
We welcome everyone
and aim to be intercultural
Everyone is welcome, regardless of age, race, appearance, belief, sexual orientation or gender identity. We wholeheartedly believe that meetups between people, as different as they possibly are, are valuable, both for us as human beings and for our community and society. In addition we offer a place where like-minded people can meet.
We believe that art connects
You may not speak the same language, art is a language everyone understands and brings people together. It teaches us to listen to each other and to be open minded regardless of differences; these are essential human values in our society.
A place to call home and relax
Everyone needs a moment of relaxation and a place where you feel at ease. You're more than welcome in Muzikantenhuis to share a drink or have a chat.
Muzikantenhuis as learning hub
Muzikantenhuis brings artists from all levels and audiences together. During our jams and workshops you'll be able to broaden your horizons and meet new people!
Working with volunteers
and their talents
Muzikantenhuis works together with a diverse group of volunteers. Are you a great photographer?
Or are you an organisational talent and would you like to help organise a jam? Are you a social media expert or willing to help us with marketing?
Want to help with applying for subsidies? Or do you have any other valuable skills, let us know!
We use the grassroots principle, which means we are open for initiatives or ideas of artists and audience.
Muzikantenhuis VZW strongly believes in collaborating with other social-cultural organisations, artists and governments within and outside of Belgium.